An interesting quote from Pacifist theologian Miroslav Volf in regards to the nature of God's character and how his anger does not contradict or work against his love, but is rather and expression of it.
"I used to think that wrath (anger) was unworthy of God. Isn’t God
love? Shouldn’t divine love be beyond wrath? God is love, and God loves
every person and every creature. That’s exactly why God is wrathful
against some of them. My last resistance to the idea of God’s wrath was a
casualty of the war in former Yugoslavia, the region from which I come.
According to some estimates, 200,000 people were killed and over
3,000,000 were displaced. My villages and cities were destroyed, my
people shelled day in and day out, some of them brutalized beyond
imagination, and I could not imagine God not being angry. Or think of
Rwanda in the last decade of the past century, where 800,000 people were
hacked to death in one hundred days! How did God react to the carnage?
By doting on the perpetrators in a grandparently fashion? By refusing to
condemn the bloodbath but instead affirming the perpetrators basic
goodness? Wasn’t God fiercely angry with them? Though I used to complain
about the indecency of the idea of God’s wrath, I came to think that I
would have to rebel against a God who wasn’t wrathful at the sight of
the world’s evil. God isn’t wrathful in spite of being love. God is
wrathful because God is love."