Acts 20:22-24
22“And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. 23 I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. 24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, arguably one of the greatest preachers outside of the Bible, once said this: “Every Christian is either a missionary or an imposter.” We are all called to missional living in some context. Wether this means we witness to co-workers, friends and family, or we travel across the world to reach the unreached in a foreign country, or even if we go into our own backyard to extend compassion to the poor and homeless, we cannot claim to follow Christ and yet ignore those who so desperately need him, those who he died to save.
Acts Chapter 2, verses 22 through 24 jumps right into the middle of a story. Paul is on his third missionary journey, going from Miletus to Jerusalem. From Miletus, he sends for the leaders of the Ephesian church. When they arrive, he begins to recount his ministry with them in Ephesus, the telling of which culminates in a tearful farewell, as he is nearly certain that he would not see any of them again this side of heaven.
This passage of Acts 20 gives us some invaluable insight into Paul's mindset as a man on fire for missions. So today I want to take a look at three characteristics of a missional mindset.
- The first characteristic of a missional mindset is receptiveness and submission to the Spirit's leading.
Paul says that he is “constrained by the Spirit.” That wordconstrainedis the greek word DeĆ³, which means bound, compelled, put in chains, imprisoned, constrained. This indicates the strength and extent of the compulsion Paul was given. In short, there was no doubt in Paul's mind that he needed to go quickly and directly to Jerusalem, even though the Spirit also made it clear that danger and persecution would await him. In this way, Paul was both receptive and submissiveto the Spirit's direction.
That being said, I cannot stress enough the importance of walking in daily communion with God. Now if you can use your required reading and study as your devotional time more power too you, but the reality is, that doesn't cut it for most of us. So I want to encourage you to be intentional about making time in your crazy schedule to just stop. Get alone with God, go on a walk with him and worship him for who he is, for his glory, for his power, for his sovereignty his love and his mercy. Tell him about your life and your struggles, and then sit in silence with him, and listen for his voice. Only when we have consistent connection with our heavenly Father can we grow spiritually, and only as we seek his direction in our lives will we become receptive to the guidance of his Spirit.
Paul was not only receptive to the Spirit's leading, but he was also submissive to it. This means that when he felt led to go to Jerusalem, he didn't say, “well God, I'm not so sure that's a good idea. I mean, look what happened to your Son when he went to Jerusalem, I might die too! No, God, I think I'll just stay here in Miletus instead.”
Paul could have tried to rationalize his way out, but he chose not to. There was instead a sense of urgency about his going to Jerusalem, and he wasted no time in getting there. Likewise, we should embrace the leading of the Spirit on our lives, trusting that what he has planned for us—difficult, impossible or terrifying as it might seem—will work out for our greatest good and his greatest glory.
- The second characteristic of missional mindset is a willingness to face opposition for the cause of Christ.
I think as I said that I might have heard a bit of a sigh of relief. We are in America after all, and on top of that, we're in Bible college. Persecution for what we believe is not something that we're too concerned about. Because of this, It is so easy for us to become complacent and to embrace lukewarm Christianity—which in reality isn't Christianity at all. See, in America, we can blend in. And even more so in Bible college.
But what would happen if we were to step out of our comfort zones, to take the claims of Jesus seriously and challenge the ways of society? People would think we were crazy, backwards even. And were we to persist in having this radical counter-culture attitude, we might even face some persecution. Now again, I know that's hard to picture in this setting; we spend most of our time surrounded by Christian brothers and sisters, so it just doesn't make sense that we would face any opposition here. Christian living isn't against the grain!
I want to take a moment to challenge that idea, because I think its wrong. The more time I spend in the dorms talking with the guys, and the more I see the way people talk and act at events like sports games, or even while just hanging out in the lounge, the more I have to question that idea that Christian living isn't necessarily against the grain.
Now I want to be clear, I'm aware that I'm making a pretty broad generalization here, and I know that there are many godly young men and women on this campus who are passionate about living to make much of Jesus. Even so, I think, that even in this environment, if we where to truly live out the Christian walkin every aspect of our lives, we just might face some opposition.
Notice that I put a bit of emphasis on “every aspect of our lives” in that last statement. I did that for a reason. Its easy to give Jesus part of our lives, but that's not enough; he wants allof us.Let's lay a foundation for what following Christ in every aspect of our lives means.
Jesus is our example, and we are called to follow that example as closely as possible, Amen? Jesus says in John 8:29, “I always do what pleases [the Father].” So let me ask you, can you make such a claim? If Christ is the standard that we are to strive for, how can we settle for anything less? And please, don't say, “well Connor that's just too radical, the Bible doesn't mean that.” Well it really does, and I say this because I love you: you need to come to terms with that fact, and decide what to do with it.
So do the topics of your conversations please the Father? What about the way in which you discuss theological concepts or perspectives, is there any arrogance or divisiveness there? Let me be the first to admit that I'm certainly guilty of that. How about the words you use? For example, the last time you called someone gay, or a douche-bag, do you really think that pleases the Father? What about your relationships with your peers, or your relationships with the opposite sex? Are you striving to please God and pursue holiness in every aspect of your life, or are you holding something back?
- The third characteristic of a missional mindset is a single-minded focus on the furthering of God's kingdom.
I think it is clear from the way that Paul writes, and from the lifestyle he lived, that there was nothing more important to him than the mission he had been given by God. That's why he is willing to lay everything on the line, even his very life. “Iconsider my life worth nothingto me,” he says, “my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”
In Paul's life, God came first. The primary goal of his life was his calling: the spread of Gospel to the unreached peoples of the earth. Likewise, we are called to give God first priority in all things, and get this: anything less would be a form of idolatry. It only makes sense, then, that if we claim to follow Jesus, we need to be willing to give up anything and everything that we find ourselves putting in front of God.
That's hard for us in America, isn't it. Because like it or not, we are very rich. Yes, even us broke college students. I'm convinced that the rest of the world laughs hysterically at us when we complain about money. And like the rich young ruler in Matthew's gospel, we often shy away from following Jesus because we are too attached to something else. The bottom line is this: we cannot serve two masters, as Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:24. We must choose wether we will serve him, or ultimately, ourselves.
I think this goes beyond just attachment to material possessions as well; in Luke 14:26 Jesus says, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.” Friends, if we wish to be Jesus's disciples and receive the benefits thereof, we must first be willing to make sure absolutely nothing, comes before God and his purpose for our lives.
Maybe there is a call on your life that you are trying to ignore because it would mean giving up something you prize. Perhaps you're called as a missionary to a foreign country, but you are in a relationship with someone who just is not called in that way. Are you willing to give that relationship up for the kingdom of God?
Maybe you are feeling led to get involved in something like a local homeless ministry, but if you're being honest homeless people scare you to death, and you really just aren't comfortable ministering to them. Would you be willing to lay aside your anxiety, step out of comfort zone and follow God's leading?
Perhaps for you today there is a pattern of habitual sin in your life that you can't seem to shake. And maybe that's gluttony, or little white-lies, or an addiction to porn, maybe you're a closet klepto—I don't know what it is for you. But are you willing to bring that into the light, confess, and get accountability and the help you need to break free?
What is it that is holding you back from a single-minded focus on God's mission for your life?
Three seemingly simple characteristics that are so difficult to put into practice in day-to-day living. In order to develop a missional mindset we must be receptive and submissive to God's leading, we must be willing and prepared to face opposition for the cause of Christ, and we must have a single-minded focus on God's mission for our lives, putting his purpose above all else.
Just take a moment at think about what the world would look like if each and every one of us in this room lived that out. Think about the lives that could be impacted and the souls that could be saved.
But Its easy to talk big, isn't it. It's easy to dream big for the kingdom. But when it comes down to it, many of us just aren't willing to take the steps necessary to make that dream a reality. And so we make excuses for why we aren't being intentional about reaching people for Christ.
W.E. Sangster, a former president of the Methodist Conference and a powerful speaker and evangelist said this, and I'll close with this thought: “How shall I feel at the judgment, if multitudes of missed opportunities pass before me in full review, and all my excuses prove to be disguises of my cowardice and pride.”
Friends, let us not allow fear of our inadequacy, or cultural norms, or desire for the affection of our peers overcome the still, small voice of the Lord Jesus telling us to go, make disciples.